Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Get amongst it!

Nothing beats catching fish right? Right, so I think that it is equally important to help others get amongst it.
Over the long Queens Birthday weekend, Cameron and myself took off to really get amongst the fish. Saturday and Sunday saw us land some very nice fat rainbow trout which fought like they were on amphetamines. Absolutely berserk! Even the 2 pound fish were tearing line off our reels like we had not a single bit of drag. Definitely made for some awesome fishing.
We returned to some water we hadn't fished for a year or so and were rewarded with good numbers of larger than usual fish. Amongst the average 3 and a half to four pound fish we landed were a few of between five and six pound, and dotted in with them one or two that kicked our asses. Gotta hand it to them, they go like bloody steam trains! Here are a couple of these rainbow crack addicts...

On the Monday however, we had two of the lads from Fish City meet us to try and catch their first trout. Both of them (Gordo and Josh H) had been once before and met the cruel unfair side of trout fishing. The side that shows you the fish, but wont give them up. Big ups to them for wanting to give it another crack!
The morning started off cold, foggy and shitty but within the first hour both of the boys had broken the hudu and landed their first trout.
To say the day went totally to plan would be pretty close, as both boys came away with a grin and Josh H even managed a couple of swims. Just had to add that for you buddy. Anyway, along with catching the fly fishing bug, Gordy got some pretty cool footage and chucked a little edit together which is pretty cool.
So enjoy the clip and remember to pass the feeling on whenever you get the chance. You could make more of a difference than you realise. Get amongst it!!

Cheers for the edit Gordo! Good job mate!

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